What are the benefits of living in provincial condos?

1.    Lower Cost Of Living
2.    Low Maintenance
3.    Better Air Quality
4.    Relaxed Atmosphere 

Cities in almost every country in the world tend to be the most congested areas. These highly urbanized areas carry a considerable percentage of the population. People who live in these areas often live a fast-paced lifestyle compared to those residing in the province. If you have plans to move away from urban living, you may be interested in some of the benefits of living in the province. Davao Condos like Centro Spatial and 8 Spatial Davao from Futura Homes are prime examples of provincial condos you can check out. 

Living in the province can be very beneficial in various ways. If you’re ready to make a change, here’s what you need to know.

Lower Cost Of Living

Families who reside in provinces usually have lower costs of living compared to those living in the city. All the basic necessities and utilities you need are less expensive. Compared to living in Manila, you can get what you need for typically 20% less than in the city. Housing, food, and transportation is easier to manage with these lower costs. 

Low Maintenance

House repairs are not uncommon if you want to maintain your home. However, doing this frequently can take a lot of time out of your busy schedule. Living in a condo takes the stress out of maintaining your space. Every month, you will pay association dues that cover maintenance fees. This is much easier to manage since it’s a set amount. Plus, there’s no need to worry about gardening, cleaning your yard, and maintaining your exteriors.  The provinces have numerous residential spaces available where you don’t need to worry about maintaining a big lot or space. 

Better Air Quality

There are fewer cars in provincial areas which means cleaner and fresher air. This is a big plus if you have a family member with respiratory conditions. Better air quality has beneficial effects on your overall health, especially if you plan to raise a family. Lush landscapes with an abundance of trees make the air cooler and fresher than in Manila.  The concrete jungle is warm, humid, and polluted. Rural life offers a healthier alternative without sacrificing a comfortable living. 

Relaxed Atmosphere 

Larger cities often promote a rushed lifestyle. This exacerbates stress levels which can lead to unhealthy habits. If you desire a change, then living in the province is perfect for you. The relaxed atmosphere and cleaner air promote a simple, laid-back lifestyle where you can enjoy nature at its best.  By letting your children enjoy the great outdoors in the province, you can improve their health, happiness, and intelligence. You can get all this in the breezy atmosphere of the province. 

Key Takeaway

The benefits of living in the province are perfect for anyone who’s starting a family or for individuals who want a change in their lifestyle. All of these amazing benefits are yours at your Davao condo. Availing a provincial condo like Centro Spatial and 8 Spatial Davao from Futura Homes can bring you closer to your rural life. Feel the warm embrace of the province and say goodbye to the cold urban lifestyle.